“Not only is Shonn Wiley one of the small handful of true triple threat performers in New York City, but he is one of an even smaller group that can hold an audience in the palm of his hand..."
Review: 'Mary Poppins' at Croswell Opera House is 'practically perfect in every way'by
​For us longtime Croswell theatergoers, it’s just so much fun to see Wiley back on that stage in an acting role for the first time in several years. And he hasn’t lost an ounce of his considerable talents or onstage charm; he brings such grace and perfection and a rock-solid performance to the role of Bert. Even simply the way he exits the stage after a scene has that little extra something, which is why he’s the performer he is.
BWW Review: 'Oh, What A Night!' With UNDER THE STREETLAMP and the Nashville Symphony
No matter how you describe them - although granted, "handsome, charming, engaging and amazingly talented" comes readily to mind - nor how many times you've seen them (whether it's your first or twenty-first concert), there's one thing you cannot help but think about Under the Streetlamp: These four guys really know how to put on a show!